Joomla software, SpamPal plugins and other tools


Joomla Software





SpamPal Plugins


Other Tools

   Auto Folder

Polar F11

   Changing Batteries
   Factory Defaults


   "unknown software

Old Projects
Atari ST



About me



   Impressum (D)



Please note: The software can be used free of charge (it is freeware).

Software for Joomla


Version 4.0

uddeIM allows users of your community to send private messages to each other. uddeIM wants to be simple and easy-to-use but it offers all the features you need in a private messaging system. uddeIM is available in 34 languages. It integrates seamless with Community Builder, Joomlaboard, Fireboard, Ninjaboard, Kunena, Agora, and other software.


Version 1.3

uddePF is a Picture Frame Information System. It collects data from different sources and creates a picture that can be displayed by WLAN enabled Picture Frames.

Plugins for SpamPal

RegExFilter Plugin

Version 3.0

A plugin allowing you to filter or whitelist your email based on Perl Regular Expressions. For more information, including a manual in both English and German

Quarantine Plugin

Version 1.3

Every time you download a message SpamPal recognises as spam, this plugin saves it into a special folder; useful if you need to get at the original source of a spam in order to track down a spammer.

Notify Plugin

Version 1.7

This plugin plays a sound when you receive new mail, and a different sound if you receive only spam.

Logfile Plugin

Version 1.7

This plugin creates a logfile summarising the messages SpamPal has processed; this logfile is slightly different from the one created by SpamPal itself, and may be preferred by some people.

Other Tools

Auto folder

Version 0.2

Auto folder is a shell extension for the Windows Explorer, which allows to sort your holiday photos in folders with one click.


Old Projects (Atari ST)


Led is an editor for FidoNet messages for the Atari ST/TT & Falcon range of computers. It allows you to read, edit and write messages which are imported / exported by your mailer software.


CasioSF allows to interchange data with the popular CasioSF series and the Atari ST/TT & Falcon. It has been tested with Casio SF 8350 and 4300, but should work with most of the other models.

Badrenovierung durch Hermens Haustechnik, Korchenbroich
Badrenovierung durch Hermens Haustechnik, Korchenbroich
Badrenovierung durch Hermens Haustechnik, Korchenbroich


Copyright Stephan Slabihoud